Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The most common essay problem is finding a thesis and following it in what we will call a “chain of logic”.

Macbeth is a classic tragic hero.

Define a classic tragic hero - where did you get that definition? REFER! a good idea when referring is to use a quotation and then source it.

Three stages of the classic tragic hero

THe hero begins on a lofty note - you need to prove that the hero is in a high position and that everything is going great. Macbeth did this and he felt like that (here’s the reference).
he came before the king, and then he felt like this and the people said that and that shows us this
“I have won golden opinions of late” or something

Here’s what he did, here’s what he thought, here’s what is proving this, here is my thought on that - finding meaning, showing how this sets up on a high place

HUBRIS - the tragic hero suffers from a flaw - this flaw is called hubris - this hubris would be good to define (ie reference)
show how Mac suffers this - he already starts planning “something” when the witches talk to him - “fertile ground”
his wife hits the same target - she only has to inspire what he already has in his head
he felt like this, the manipulators only appealed to that thinking, then he did things that benefited this drive for power - this ambition - show the areas where he realized what he was doing - he wasn’t being controlled

The tragic hero goes to his fitting end by his own actions and we (the audience) learns from this and grows by his example
live by the sword, die by the sword
nemesis - refer
just desserts - refer
show how he built his own doom and then KEY - what do we learn - BECAUSE HE LEARNS FROM IT - he knows exactly what he did, and he knows exactly what is coming because of it

Macbeth is manipulated by supernatural forces.

Witches and Apparitions - Wife - the fertile ground of his thinking

Prove that he is a ripe target for manipulation by these forces.
SHow that he wants it already - show that he KNOWS what’s happening - he’s a willing participant - he allows it to happen


Show that he’s unfit and weak and cannot control himself. Show that he is mental unstable and cannot stop the manipulation - refer to and prove some kind of mental problem - outside sources - Bipolar

Wife - if you say that his wife is a supernatural manipulator - you HAVE to show that she is using the supernatural -

Unsex me - THEN you show her using wiles and manipulating
Then - you have to show the effect and the result

3. Apparitions and visions as per our discussion.

Use all past tense. ALL
Use active voice - SUBJECT -> VERB

Macbeth did something.

You need to read your words out loud and catch those crazy awkward sentences.
Get a peer checker - USE THAT PERSON

AWK - your sentence is funky, or maybe backwards - Your mom went to my house who was pretty.
CHOPPY - what that means. Is that you. Use a lot. Of little sentences. THat. Are. Ch. Op. y. - you need to try and combine sentences that are linked
DO NOT refer to yourself or your essay or your thesis or anything about me. People, not “you”

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