Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 12, 2012

Group Frankensignment - Chapter Analysis Presentation


Poster on Presentation Points/Skills
Overview of your chapters
plot summary
character changes
setting/time changes
Thematic Ideas - The Big Ideas (talk abouts)
Link to the real world - find real world example(s) of the theme(s) (current events)
Some engagement activity for the class - questions, game, tasks, etc (exam is coming)
Some kind of multimedia thing.

After this, we will focus on the outstanding work that is preventing you from getting this credit.

Exam Creation -

You will form a group.
You will scan your notes and from them, you will create possible exam questions and answers and you will submit them to me, Mr. the Lobb.

I will collect and collate and from your submissions, I will curate an exam.

I will give you the specific requirements for your questions, in detail. There will be no mystery about what kinds of questions you should make.

You will have an essay to prepare for the exam.

You will prepare in your group.

You will do rough in your group.

You will write your own first draft, or outline.

And then, on the exam, you will write your own essay.

You will write a quick essay skeleton in the exam time.
Plato’s Cave Allegory
    (locked in)

Freud’s Tripartite Theory of Personality
Sigmund Freud is the inventor of modern pyscholanalysis
looking at people with mental AND physical problems - eg hysteria -
he started to see that many problems are mental in nature (psychological) and are based upon trauma or situations stemming from childhood
he looked at people’s minds as being “split” into three parts
Oedipus Complex - boys loves their mothers and hate their fathers and want to kill them and replace them - THEN, they become “normal” and “healthy” by transferring those feelings to their girlfriends and so on.
Elektra Complex - other way around for girls -

Id - the animal you - the hunger, the appetite, the beast, the child, the tantrum
uncontrollable response that is automatic and “old” - ancient like a primate
lust, rage, gluttony, etc
we jail these people - these are not good citizens - these are selfish, unpleasant and brutal people
when we are babies we are like this, and then, ideally, we grow OUT of it
How Might This Aspect of Self Be Useful?
this can be a very powerful motivator towards survival

Ego - the careful you, the watcher, the protector, the one who makes sure, the schemer, the planner, the avoider of punishment
this one is considering the status of self in the group
this is a more advanced self
realistic -
more cunning and more designed to fit into society

SuperEgo - the Mother’s Voice - the conscience, angel on your shoulder, the good little voice, Jiminy Cricket, the higher moral
this is the self that cares for others and places VALUES higher than selfish desire
this is about what is RIGHT and WRONG
it’s like an outside look at yourself
this is very useful in a society - in fact, it’s critical for a society to work successfully

In people, there is usually a balance between these elements of the unconscious mind.
A person who is healthy and has grown up in a good place, will be good at balancing.
Someone who has grown up with trauma will have a much harder time.

Can this series of ideas be applied to literature? Of course.

Jungian Archetypes

models for ideas and thoughts and patterns that exist across cultures and show up in stories and art and literature and so on
Star Wars is loaded with them - Wise Master - Young Apprentice - The Rogue - The Dark Father - The Princess, etc
Harry Potter uses these same archetypes
they appear to be built into our psychology

Fairy Tale Challenge

Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Quest (Monomyth)
Feminist Criticism
Aristotelian Poetics (story theory)

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