Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Essay Problems

str - sentence fragment - structure error

awk - you have mixed up sentence order or used a word strangely or used modifiers that you don’t need - very - constantly - really - etc - don’t try to sound smart with words of which you don’t know the use - a complex sentence that loses the subject part way through or inverts it

“The guy who went to the class that I liked.”

ref? If you make a categorical statement - Macbeth is easy to manipulate. HOW? WHERE? If you speculate on Macbeth’s motives, you HAVE to show your reasoning. Defining your “givens”. Where is that from?

proof? same

logic flow or flow of ideas - Thesis = statements that you explain and give examples for

Thesis should be simple. This is what’s happening.

How do you know?

Because of that. Discuss that. Show that in the play. Show how it proves that you know it.

State your points in clear, simple language. ESPECIALLY in the intro.

Macbeth is tragic hero - high point, hubris (pride), we learn from his fall


You are proving that he is PRONE to manipulation.

Don’t list the ways she manipulates - show HOW it works - how does it pull or push him?

Supernatural - don’t list - explain -


Introduce you to the new way of doing exams
Figure out how to achieve on this new way of writing exams
How can we actively contribute to our success?
Presentation Problems - quick recap of what went wrong/right

Exam -

Dispel something - there is no trick
there is no secret agenda
I get nothing if you are amazed and surprised

Dispel something else - there is no reason to make you memorize something

Dispel something else else - there is no reason for me to make your exam

Three New Tasks:

Create an exam group - this will be your team and together you will form your version of the exam -

Design an essay topic and a rough outline for that topic, for your group.

Implement your plan and your essay into a scheme (that we will learn today) that you will submit to Mr. The Lobb (that is me)

I will make a Master Exam from the best of your submissions.

Pro Tip: Why wouldn’t you make a web site where every group submitted their material?

Figure out the sections under which you will plan your version of the exam.

A Typical English Exam in ENG3U for Mr. The Lobb in June

The Three Mark Question - 15 marks (3 marks X 5 questions) (6 or 7)

Defining or explain a term, character or an event, etc
give its importance or explain HOW it comes into use
exemplify or refer to a way that it was seen

Hubris -
character flaw possessed by a tragic hero
would it maybe lead to his/her downfall? lead to a series of actions that are negative?
Macbeth had hubris (he wanted to become king) and the witches utilized it to control him

The Five Mark Question - 25 marks (5 marks X 5 questions)

1. Some kind of defining - explaining (this is this)
2. Look at one element of the “thing”
3. Explain how it works or why it’s used.
4. Show the importance of this thing in the context/class.
5. Show the example or what it is in the context we discussed it.

Plato’s Cave Allegory -

Created by a Greek Philosopher as a lesson and a story in association with the perfect world of forms.
It’s a model for thinking about the way people learn and the way people think in which a character is in a cave, watching shadows on the wall by candlelight.
The assumption is that puppeteers are controlling the character by showing him/her only the rough images of reality.
The character must break loose from the shackles that hold him/her in the cave and go out into the real world - the sun, which represents knowledge.
This allegory gives us a way of looking at literature and thinking about the way writers work and affect us.

Define the thing
Explore a few ideas within that “thing”
Contextualize how it is important in our class.

Response to a Sight Passage of some sort
Most common - Poetry or Short Story

Poetry can fit on one page. It’s almost instant.

What kind of poem?

A poem that is short, powerful and full of imagery and concepts to discuss.

15 - 25 marks of questions that get the student applying that pattern for analyzing poetry

Sylvia Plath
Charles Bukowski
Gary Snyder (environmentalist)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti (Beat)
Siegfried Sassoon (war poet)

Essay Question

40 - 60 marks

10 marks for your rough outline, which you complete FIRST on the spot

intro idea - show your angle and thesis
AoD 1 show your three body paragraph ideas with major reference choice
AoD 2
AoD 3
conclusion idea - state the thesis as proven

Write a good essay that is not too short or too long - Goldilocks Paper
worth a Level - not a number - (30)

Overall Presentation/Style/Structure - Professional Judgment Mark

What is this essay topic?

You decide!

Macbeth and Frankenstein

motherhood and the role of women
going against God and the “rules” of Nature
the nature of evil
the way things look = the way things are
inversion and perversion
the main characters have similarities that show us things about Human Nature

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