Poems from Echoes
What today?
Intro to those poems - see patterns in the poems
Check out a way to read poems and to initiate an analysis
Do some questions that start us thinking in the right way
Poetry - Pablo Neruda
Narrator - first person - could be the poet himself
the POV could be from that of some particular character
subject matter + 1st person might = the poet
reflexive - refers back to the thing that is being done - these can be interesting or they can be too “inside baseball” - this may shut out a segment of the audience
Change over the poem? - not knowing -> knowing, sober -> tripping, lost -> found, young -> old, ignorant -> wise, small -> infinite
finding that change over the poem could be key to the theme - any shift or change in a poem could be key to study
can we find and prove this process of change by steps?
What imagery comes after “suddenly I saw”? - space, stars, planets, night, the universe - the infinite, the big open question
find these things by noting common terms, related words and ideas and keeping track
clump together similar ideas and concepts - what is the link?
3.b) What does this imagery tells us about the character and his change? - poetry or something to do with writing it, showed the character the universe - “suddenly I saw” - once he started to write, then he saw and then he became one with the universe
paradox - something that is true that cannot be true at the same time
“pure nonsense/pure wisdom”
What a paradox does is give us some deeper layers of information. ie from the mouths of babes comes great wisdom.
Homework: - DO this question but do not write a poem - just take the notes
1958 and Reach Out and Touch - assigned Q’s
OR In Goya’s Greatest Scenes we Seem to See
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