Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday, Feb 7, 2012

Today’s Topics -
using iPads - yes, you will need them

You should be using a program called Evernote
a notetaking software solution with audio, video, web clips, notes, etc - on any platform

making a blog (with www.blogger.com)
everyone needs a Gmail address - why? so you don’t have hotkitty45@hotmail.com - use your name, not the thing you thought was cool when you were 8
I am thelabcoatguy@gmail.com - use this

There is an app on the iPad called BLOGSY which allows you to blog your Blogger account from there - which is great.

what do we put on it?
tell me who you are by referring to yourself as a student, as a person and as a composite of things you like

Student - strengths and weaknesses - be honest, it can help - what mark will you get? What did you get in previous years? what did or did you not like in English classes other years?
Person - how you spend your time outside of school, what do you planning on down the road? what do you work at, etc - simple facts about you -

Composite - you can combine the things you absorb (media) into a way of describing yourself - products, bands, shows, books, etc (can be done as a representation wall)

What is Level 4?
contains lots of detail and reflection - you actually think about yourself (ouch)
honest analysis of strs and weaks
multimedia - SHOW when possible, don’t tell
depth - going beyond the obvious (this could be your own idea here, I may not have a clear picture of what it means)

what textbook?

Echoes - we do short stories

The Leap (character)
The Lottery Ticket (character)
Wing’s Chips (setting, context, plot)
Rich for One Day (theme+)
Twins (plot+)

The Boat is our large assignment (presentation)
combining all the elements into a seminar where you analyse the above (p,s,c,t) and present some findings, some thoughts, some multimedia, etc
you will need to show me your ability to read into things and pull out meaning in the ways we’ve discussed

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