Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, Feb 23, 2012

Plato’s Cave Allegory

Who was Plato?

Greek philosopher - taught by Socrates and himself taught Aristotle - and these 3 are the cornerstone of modern science and thinking

The Perfect World of Forms

he felt that what we see and experience isn’t actually what “is” as much as it’s what we think we see and experience
he was explaining life as an interpretation of a perfect “something” that exists somewhere else and we only see the shadows or impressions of the things that are real - that other place is the perfect world of forms and we are in the shadow world

The Cave Allegory is an explanation of this concept in a little story that helps show his intent. An allegory is a story about one thing or a simple thing that represents something else that is more complex. A lesson in a story.

From the elaborate lesson and drawing, create your own note on the Cave Allegory.

Then watch this video and apply your deeper thinking to why it is terrible:

“Everyone’s watching to see what you will do.”

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