Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

What kind of essay will we be writing?

Argumentative essay

this is an essay where the writer is trying to make a point about a subject, where that point could be argued - ie there is also some opposing point

“We are writing about Globalization.”

“Students are just writing about globalization without saying anything about globalization that isn’t just a definition.”

“What should they have done to get good marks?”

Put some opinion in there
Coming into the paper with a point, a view a SIDE in an argument.
Coming in with a VALUE statement or a value STRUCTURE - A is good and all else is bad. Or B is bad and A is good. Or C is better than A or B, which are okay, but have weaknesses.

What about the subject? This is the thesis. This is the argument.

Subject - Globalization
The “what” might be that globalization is making the social classes more equitable.

The problem with Macbeth essays is often this ”Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth.”

The student will then find three examples of this and describe them and at the end of each body paragraph will state that “this is how we can see that Lady Macbeth is manipulating her husband.”

But what about that manipulation?

If we went on to say that Lady’s manipulation was the key element in pushing him to his downfall, then we have value statement and a sense of argument. This is not necessarily true or obvious. It must be PROVEN.

Even after LISTING the times and ways she manipulates him, we still have to SHOW how that pushes him into the direction, into his downfall, sets him on his path or concretizes that path

We need to INTERPRET the events and EXPLAIN the effects and suggest POSSIBILITIES in order to make this work.

This might take some research and some extra knowledge.
CONNECTIONS of new ideas might give interesting strength to the argument.

What is the purpose of essay writing?

Learn the structure of writing
Argue your point of view
Analyze the reading

To force a kind of deeper thinking about the literature.
To learn to write with purpose for audience
To learn to write according to a structure that is imposed
To find and follow connections and associations through research and study
To become a more thoughtful and analytical person

Some people don’t know what they know, why they know it, how they know it, or what good it is to know it at all.

Many people do not self-reflect about much in their lives.

Essay writing can force some reflection. This is important for self-actualization.

What is the purpose of doing it in this class?

Tradition - there is a history of essay writing
Essays have a huge component of grammar, style, structure, etc that fits English
Essays are often about literature, which is English
English is often about feelings, bigger picture, deeper issues, finding the hidden meanings.

How can we achieve the right “end” to this?

PROCESS IS CRUCIAL - you need to learn the right pattern, follow it, know it and internalize it - Make it your own - make it automatic

You should be able to write an essay from start to finish in a classroom, for an exam, with no wasted time, no confusion and no lost moments.

What is the right end, anyway?

Achievement in the inner goal (self-actualized) and the outer goal (write a skillful paper)

Example Essay Preparation - Lobb-style Essay Skeleton

Topic - World War II - Hitler’s Leadership - The Nazi Defeat

Thesis - During WWII, the Nazi defeat was more a function of Hitler’s poor leadership than it was a function of his military’s mistakes and ineffectuality.

I now need THREE Areas of Discussion that will act as body paragraphs to prove my statement above is true.

What do I have to prove true? - Hitler was a bad leader and in what ways, that they military was doing their jobs correctly, that the Allies weren’t simply steamrolling the Nazis. etc

Area of Discussion 1

start by recording some general notes:
The Military was very effective - establish this first, then show how Hitler screw it up, then I have a good case for blaming him.
effectiveness of combined arms assaults and blitzkrieg tactics
effectiveness of weaponry and equipment
well dug in defensive positions, etc.

Area of Discussion 2 - Hitler’s influence.
- Splits his his forces to fight a two-front war - Russia (Operation Barbosa) and the Western Front (which even included North Africa...)

I know how to SHOW how this decision leads to weakening the powerful elements of his army.

Area of Discussion 3 - Racist War - a war of murder
the way he conducted his war guaranteed that other countries would be horrified and sickened and would never stop fighting and would never give up or stop from wanting to PUNISH Germany
He strengthened his enemies by his decisions of genocide
it also weakens his soldiers - it makes them morally corrupt, which is complex and difficult

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