Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Macbeth - William Shakespeare

Written around 1600.

Story takes place in the 11th Century - 1000 AD - 1100 AD

Why would we read stuff from this time period, about that time period, written by that guy?

There is at least ONE good reason why we would grapple with this guy’s stuff

from a dramatic perspective, Shakespeare created much of what we think of as entertainment (in terms of the structure) - his work is kind of a foundation for modern works of art
from a language perspective, the same! he was a neologist of unbelievable influence - he somehow was able to make up words that are still with us and clearly, caught on in his lifetime - some estimate he contributed 400 words to the language (and phrases) - he literally helped make our language
from an historical perspective, we can chart the process and progress of writing and drama and elements of story and style - create a sense of continuity that can be powerful - “Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.”
there is an intrinsic artistic value to this material - it is powerful and it is interesting and it used to be the dominant popular culture - it was movies
because it is hard - sometimes we do things because they are challenging that makes us better, smarter and gives us something that we need - “cutting teeth” - remember that idea of the dialectic? thesis + antithesis = synthesis - something plus struggle = progress - initial state plus forced change = growth/maturity

Another problem with reading Shakespeare: (or maybe more)

It is weird - the language is weird - it is not easy to read.

read it out loud as much as possible - it actually helps
read the sentences, not the lines
define, define, define
how else can I get this into my brain? comic book? movie? translated version? play? audiobook? DON’T LET THAT OTHER WAY BE THE ONLY WAY!

the stories are complex and the character names are funny - “I had to study how to spell the names.”

keep a character log or web - keep a small list of key characters with thumbnail sketches (not actual sketches) I mean written
graphic organizer will help

we are used to doing things that do not challenge us - we are trained to be passive viewers of pap

we know we get marks for doing well - the process is worth “money” (marks)
you will receive a sense of great internal satisfaction by achieving at a standard that your peers last semester could NOT, because they were weak and pathetic

there are lots of distractions -

block out times to read and use them - this play is worth marks galore
use some kind of isolation technique

it is being tested by some old man - ugh - work

get used to it - this is the way of life...

Who is Macbeth?

He was a real king in Scotland in the 11th Century

Mac Bethad mac Findláich, known in English as Macbeth, was born in around 1005. His father was Finlay, Mormaer of Moray, and his mother may have been Donada, second daughter of Malcolm II. A 'mormaer' was literally a high steward of one of the ancient Celtic provinces of Scotland, but in Latin documents the word is usually translated as 'comes', which means earl.
In August 1040, he killed the ruling king, Duncan I, in battle near Elgin, Morayshire. Macbeth became king. His marriage to Kenneth III's granddaughter Gruoch strengthened his claim to the throne. In 1045, Macbeth defeated and killed Duncan I's father Crinan at Dunkeld.
For 14 years, Macbeth seems to have ruled equably, imposing law and order and encouraging Christianity. In 1050, he is known to have travelled to Rome for a papal jubilee. He was also a brave leader and made successful forays over the border into Northumbria, England.
In 1054, Macbeth was challenged by Siward, Earl of Northumbria, who was attempting to return Duncan's son Malcolm Canmore, who was his nephew, to the throne. In August 1057, Macbeth was killed at the Battle of Lumphanan in Aberdeenshire by Malcolm Canmore (later Malcolm III).
Why would Shakespeare make this guy evil?
It’s way more fun to read and watch.
Drama comes from CONFLICT and the most useful main character to create conflict is a character called a TRAGIC HERO.
A TRAGIC HERO is a character type that is as old as plays themselves - the Greeks (as usual) came up with this fun guy of character (see: Oedipus)
What is the tragic hero?
Starts on a high note - loved, honoured, has all great qualities, is a pinnacle of humankind and usually is going to an even higher point
But wait! There is some TRAGIC FLAW lurking within this hero and this tragic flaw is often called HUBRIS - the sin of PRIDE, the sense of one’s own great worth, the overestimation of what one deserves. Those who suffer this are often in a position of power.
There is a FALL that comes as a direct result of this HUBRIS, this TRAGIC FLAW. This fall comes as the TRAGIC HERO aims a little too high and allows his/her greed for power to control and overpower his/her morals.
This tragic flaw will result in NEMESIS! This is the direct enemy of the tragic hero - the RETRIBUTION or revenge or punishment or consequences. The direct and expected result of the flaw. Whatever the tragic hero did will create the exact expected punishment. There should be some line or connection from the HUBRIS to the NEMESIS.
The audience learns a great deal from the fall of the tragic hero. We all learn and we all see the reward for that sin of pride. This is a lesson to teach people about their place and power and what happens when we allow our egos to grow too strong.
What about the world at this time?
The Middle Ages - swords and shields, castles, knights, monarchism, kings, The Crusade, jousting, war, dirty, superstition, witchcraft, EXTREMELY RELIGIOUS
eg - The Pope at that time was in a conflict with a person called The Holy Roman Emperor - this conflict resulted in the Emperor being excommunicated from the Church and to get back in, he crawled through Rome on his knees and came before the Pope and apologized
Religion was BOSS and everything else was WAY in the backseat.
Apocalyptic World!
The intelligent people at the turn of the century “knew” that when it got to 1000, it would be the end of the world. So, they didn’t plan anything. Or set up for anything. Or try to learn anything new. They just kept studying the one thing that was important - The Bible.
It was a time of complete surrender to death and misery and Apocalypse.
Funny part?

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