Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Half of the Exam
-     June 20, 2011 – this is a Monday
-     YOU will be making up a series of questions for me to go through for the questions on the exam
-     What? Yes. YOU will make up exam questions.
-     I will take in your personal exam questions, choose the best ones and adapt them to my structure and give you marks based on both your questions, your answers and then, your exam answers, which I will mark
-     5 exam questions
-     The Question Structure
-     3, 5, 8 marks per question
-     3 = define and perhaps give an example – maybe something we looked in poetry, or a specific point from the play or book –
-     5 = what and why, how did, in what way was X important? Make a statement, explain it and show some reason
-     8 = a comparison, a deeper examination of something that has multiple elements (eg something from the main stories, about the main character), eg Victor created his own problem, show how he didn’t do anything to solve it. I’m usually looking for 4 points with a little info on each, essay topics would be good for this
-     Frankenstein, Macbeth, look in the notes for added layers or topics – poetry, short story, little moments
-     Maximum Markdown – spread out our questions – 2X3, 2X5, 1X8 is 3+

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