Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June Work List for Exam

Our Weekly Duties - The Last Week of ENG3U (for some)(others will be taking it again)
1. You MUST submit any outstanding work. You will NOT get it back with comments at this late date, but I will mark it.
2. You MUST hand in any resubs.
3. You must submit your exam questions with answers. Unless you want marks not given to you for that, and don’t want your answers chosen. P.S. 5, remember?
4. You must submit to me your thesis for your exam essay. No later than Friday.
5. You should show me your essay prep for next week before the weekend.
The Master List of Work
Blog intro to self?
I Want 100 Billion
I am Rich
The Boat teams
Poet Presentation Project
Poetry Response
Poetry Analysis
Poet Background Info
Mac Soliloquy Collection
MacEssay Rough
MacMultimedia (incl. poster, reading, etc)
Frankenbits – Paracelsus, Agrippa, Cornelius, summary of chapter notes Ch.11-16, description of the creation of the monster being like a movie director
Frankentation – Presentation, Content
Exam Marks – your questions and answers to me, then your exam Part 1
Exam Part 1 will be 5 X 3 mark questions, 3 X 5 mark questions and 2 X 8 mark questions. Your score will be Leveled on this one – 1, 2, 3, 4 +/-
Exam Essay Prep – your thesis, your rough notes, any essay skeleton handed in on the study day
Exam Essay Final – You write one essay in class and here is the kicker – do not leave until you think it is Level 3 or higher.
Marking Scheme – Thinking, Knowledge, Communication, Application
Content of Essay – references to the works
Style and Structure -
Essay Format and Patterning – as we’ve discussed
Argument and Proof/Originality
What is the Body Paragraph Pattern that we’ve discussed?
 Start with a general statement or observation, usually in the form of a comment about the thesis point.
Then, you explain what you mean by it.
You refer to the source material, the book, the play, the secondary source, whatever.
Then, you show how the reference and what you said at the start line up – how do these ideas fit together?
Getting specific – making the point that my thesis is based on – making the link back to the thesis
Then you make some kind of summary statement or wrap up the information in this chunk of essay
Then you start your next body paragraph with a transition and do this process again.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

First Half of the Exam
-     June 20, 2011 – this is a Monday
-     YOU will be making up a series of questions for me to go through for the questions on the exam
-     What? Yes. YOU will make up exam questions.
-     I will take in your personal exam questions, choose the best ones and adapt them to my structure and give you marks based on both your questions, your answers and then, your exam answers, which I will mark
-     5 exam questions
-     The Question Structure
-     3, 5, 8 marks per question
-     3 = define and perhaps give an example – maybe something we looked in poetry, or a specific point from the play or book –
-     5 = what and why, how did, in what way was X important? Make a statement, explain it and show some reason
-     8 = a comparison, a deeper examination of something that has multiple elements (eg something from the main stories, about the main character), eg Victor created his own problem, show how he didn’t do anything to solve it. I’m usually looking for 4 points with a little info on each, essay topics would be good for this
-     Frankenstein, Macbeth, look in the notes for added layers or topics – poetry, short story, little moments
-     Maximum Markdown – spread out our questions – 2X3, 2X5, 1X8 is 3+